The National Library of Australia and the State Library of NSW contain a wealth of digitised resources, many of which provide valuable information for the modern day gold prospector.
Historical maps provide insights into the geological features and gold mining operations of the past. This helps prospectors to determine ideal locations to search for gold in New South Wales.
This list of maps links to historical maps for various towns and regions throughout the New South Wales goldfields.
These maps have been selected because they display useful information regarding the location of reefs, leads, diggings, mining operations, and geological features.
Although Goldfields Guide is a Victorian website, we are including this list of historical NSW gold maps because we have had so many requests for lists of maps from other states as well.
This list is not complete, and will continue to be added to over time - you can like/follow the Goldfields Guide Facebook page for updates.
Always check if prospecting is permitted in the area you are researching. Check out this NSW fossicking guide for more information.
Bathurst gold maps (County of Bathurst, also includes Orange)
Section of County of Bathurst, N.S.W. 1872
- Saunders' map of the Australian Gold Country, 1851. Compiled from the official records & information afforded by E. H. Hargraves, the discoverer of the gold country. Shows locations of gold diggings and includes notes.
- The gold country, 1851. Compiled from official records and from the valuable information kindly afforded to the compiler by Mr. E.H. Hargraves. Shows locations of gold diggings and includes notes.
- County of Bathurst, N.S.W. 1872. Shows gold areas and has detailed notes on the creeks and rivers.
Forest Reefs gold maps
- Geological map of the Forest Reefs Gold Field, 1881. Shows alluvial drift, quartz reefs and intrusive dykes. Includes detailed notes.
Grattai gold maps
- Parish of Grattai, County of Wellington : Land District of Mudgee, 1933. Shows Wellington and Mudgee gold field areas.
Gulgong gold maps
Section of Geological map of the Gulgong goldfield, 1937.
Geological map of the Gulgong goldfield, 1937. Shows recent, tertiary, permian, devonian, upper silurian. Also includes a cross section of leads in the area.
Hill End gold maps
- Workings at Hawkins Hill, Hill End, 192?.
- Plan of the celebrated Hawkins' Hill, Hill End, Tambaroora, 1870. Shows the position of the claims, cross section of the hill, a portion of underground works, and rich alluvial ground.
- Parishes of Tambaroora, Carroll, and Cummings, County of Wellington, 1860-75. Shows townships of Hill End and Tambaroora, and a few reefs.
- Plan of portions of gold fields in the vicinity of Tambaroora, Hill-end and Chamber's Creek, 1872. Shows locations of reefs, gullies, dray tracks, and brief notes about the terrain/landscape.