Looking for some interesting new places to explore in the Victorian Goldfields? Head out and take a look at of some of the region's fascinating geological reserves!
Discover the spectacular basalt columns of the Devil's Kitchen, wander through the surreal landscape of Pink Cliffs, walk along Victoria's largest outcrop of pure quartz at Quartz Mountain, and more.
Take a look through the following collection of geological reserves, these are sure to inspire your next adventure in the Victorian Goldfields!
Devils Kitchen Geological Reserve, Piggoreet VIC
The Devils Kitchen Geological Reserve is home to a spectacular natural amphitheatre of Basalt columns, which has been formed by the course of the Woady Yaloak River cutting through the rock over time.
The basalt columns we see at the Devils Kitchen Geological Reserve were created by the contraction and cooling of lava.
Pink Cliffs Geological Reserve, Heathcote VIC
The Pink Cliffs Geological Reserve is a remarkable area to visit on the edge of Heathcote. Once a hydraulic sluicing site, mining activity in the late 19th century washed away the top layer of earth and revealed the dramatic, colourful cliffs on display today!
Mt Greenock Geological Reserve, Dunach VIC
The Mt Greenock Geological Reserve is located just outside Talbot and is a fascinating place to explore. The reserve features an extinct volcano, a historic mine site, and an informative sign celebrating the life and accomplishments of Major Thomas Mitchell.
Mont Greenock is an outstanding example of a volcano and lava flow associated with a deep lead.
White Hills Sediments Geological Reserve, Bendigo VIC
A leisurely stroll through the White Hills Sediments Geological Reserve will reveal interesting geology, a variety of plants and wildlife, two sediment ponds and the remnants of many Chinese mines.
This 15.5 hectare area has been regenerated and converted into a community space with approximately 2.5 km of walking tracks for visitors to enjoy.
Listen out for the chorus of frogs as you approach the dams, and keep to the track because the waters edge is hidden beneath the reeds.
Quartz Mountain Geological Reserve, Lillicur VIC
The Quartz Mountain Geological Reserve features the largest outcrop of pure quartz rock remaining in Victoria, where the reef forms a north-south ridge approximately 0.8 km long.
Huge masses of quartz stand over six metres high and in one spot a massive forty tonne boulder balances perilously atop the reef!