Section of 1958 map of Western Australia, showing gold bearing areas. Image source, National Library of Australia.
The National Library of Australia contains a wealth of digitised resources, many of which provide valuable information for the modern day gold prospector.
Historical maps provide insights into the geological features and gold mining operations of the past, helping prospectors to determine ideal locations to search for gold.
This list of maps links to historical maps for various towns and regions throughout the Western Australian goldfields. These maps have been selected because they display useful information regarding the location of reefs, diggings, mining operations, and geological features.
All these maps are free to view online.
Although Goldfields Guide is a Victorian website, we are including this list of historical WA gold maps because we have had so many requests for lists of maps from other states as well.
This list is not complete, and will continue to be added to over time - you can like/follow the Goldfields Guide Facebook page for updates.
Always check if prospecting is permitted in the area you are researching. Check out the Government of Western Australia's gold prospecting page for more information. You may also be interested in the following:
Scroll down to find sections of maps for many goldfields towns and regions throughout Western Australia.
Western Australia state-wide goldfields maps
- Western Australia, showing gold bearing areas, 194?. Map of the whole state showing gold bearing areas on a topographic base.
- Western Australia goldfields, 1958. Shows state-wide goldfields, districts and gold bearing areas.
- Locality map of Western Australia showing gold fields and mining centres, 1934. Shows boundaries of gold fields, boundaries of oil prospecting areas, includes list of mining company leases.
- Map of the West Australian gold fields, 1896. Four separate maps, use the links "up/down a level" to view all four maps. Map of Western Australia highlighting the goldfields identified to date across the state. Shows Murchison, Central Western Australia, Perth District, and Coolgardie goldfields.
- The consolidated gold mines of Western Australia, 1892-97. Map showing some of the gold discoveries made by A.F. Calvert, M.E. in North West Australia, Coongan gold mine, Marble Bar, North West Australia. Shows locations of Kimberley, Pilbara, Ashburton, Murchison, Yilgarn and Coolgardie gold fields.
- New map of Coolgardie and Murchison gold-fields, shewing all routes from latest government maps, 1893. Map of Southwestern Western Australia showing administrative land divisions and goldfield boundaries.
- Portion of Western Australian gold fields, 1906. Shows mining area boundaries, topography, roads, tracks, railroads, stock routes.
- Map of Western Australia, 1911. Shows land district boundaries, goldfields, towns, stock routes, railways, telegraph lines.
- Map of Western Australia, 1900. Shows goldfields, agricultural areas, towns, boundaries, stock routes, telegraph lines.
- Map of the Central Goldfields, 1904. Shows goldfields and mining districts, gold mining leases, govt wells, private wells, batteries (with number of stamp heads). Includes parts of Murchison, East Murchison, Yalgoo and Peak Hill goldfields.
- Plan showing routes to Yilgarn, Coolgardie & Dundas goldfields, 1890-96. Shows quartz reefs, shafts, mining leases, machinery areas, water rights, granites, greenstones, felsite.
Coolgardie gold maps
- Western Australia gold mining leases, Coolgardie, 1905. Shows positions of mining leases in and around the town of Coolgardie.
- Map of the West Australian Goldfields, 1896. Coolgardie to Lake Darlot, includes Menzies, Yerilla, East Murchison goldfield. Shows all the latest discoveries, water holes, and the tracks thereto.
- Geological sketch map of Bonnievale Coolgardie G.F, 1908.
Kalgoorlie gold maps
- Geological map of Kalgoorlie, 1910?.
- Map of Hannan's goldfield, West Australia, 189?. Map of Hannan's goldfield near Boulder showing gold mining leases. Key map showing position of gold fields (Hannan's coloured red).
- Map of the Hannan's goldfield, West Australia, 1898?. Map of goldfield near Kalgoorlie showing leases.
- Gold mining leases on the Golden Mile, Croesus group & Northend, 1933. Kalgoorlie and Boulder, showing names and numbers of leases. Dimensions of leases are approximate.
Kimberley gold maps
- Plan of Grant's Creek Mining Centre (Panton River) East Kimberley District W.A., 1940. Shows reefs, workings and assay results.
- Map showing reefs, vicinity Patterson's and Turner's workings, Mount Broome Area, 1939. Geological map of area on Broome Creek west of Mount Broome, Kimberley Goldfield. Includes assay plan of Turner's workings.
Menzies gold maps
- Topographical map of Menzies, North Coolgardie Gold Field, 1899. Shows shafts, bores, depths below surface, boundaries of leases, costeens.
Murchison gold maps
- Day Dawn, Murchison Gold Field, 1907. Shows quartz reefs, alluvial, detrital auriferous, lateritic, igneous rocks, shafts, geological lines, mining leases, contour lines.
- Cuddingwarra, Murchison Gold Field, 1907. Shows quartz reefs, alluvial, detrital auriferous, lateritic, igneous rocks, shafts, geological boundaries, mining leases.
- Cue, Murchison gold field, 1907. Shows quartz reefs, alluvial, detrital auriferous, clastic, lateritic, igneous rocks, shafts, geological boundaries, mining leases.
- Mt. Magnet Leases, Murchison Gold Field, 1905?. Copy of map showing part of Murchison Goldfield.
- Geological sketch map of Sir Samuel, East Murchison Gold Field, 1907. Shows quartz reefs, shafts, recent superficial deposits, faults, granite, greenstones, leases, water rights, machine area, garden, lines of foliation.
Peak Hill gold maps
- Geological map of Jimblebar gold-mining area, Peak Hill Gold-field, W.A., 1940. Shows locations and names of gold workings, state battery, quartz reefs, creeks, tracks, dips, trend lines.
- Plan of Coobina chromite deposits, Peak Hill gold-field, WA, 1939. Geological map of Coobina - Peak Hill region shows mineral deposits of chromite, greenstone and serpentine.
Phillips River gold maps
- Map of portion of Phillips River goldfield, 1904. Shows goldfields and mining districts, gold mining leases, batteries (with number of stamps) and wells.
Pilbara gold maps
- Pilbara Goldfield, 1962. Shows goldfield boundaries, goldfield district boundaries, mining centres / leases, mining holding types (machinery lease, alluvial claim, dredging claim, washing area, etc).
- Pilbara Goldfield, 1963. Shows goldfield boundaries, goldfield district boundaries, mining centres / leases, mining holding types (machinery lease, alluvial claim, dredging claim, washing area, etc).
- West Pilbara Goldfield, 1896. Map of gold field showing alluvial workings, hotels, camps, wells, towns, tracks, mountains.
- Plan of Eastern Creek Mining Centre, Pilbara Goldfield, W.A., 1941?. Showing geology, reefs at surface, reefs at depth, workings and assays.
- Geological map of Eastern Creek area, Pilbara Goldfield, W.A., 1941?. Shows quartz reefs, basic dykes, strike and dip, trend lines, tracks, Pre-Cambrian. Includes inset cross-section showing geology of the area.
- Geological map of North Shaw-Sharks prospecting area, Pilbara gold-field, W.A, 1940. Shows quartz reefs, assays, types of rock.
- Sharks Well Mining Centre, Pilbara Gold-Field, W.A., 1939. Plans and sections showing geology, reefs, workings and assays.
- Blue Spec-Billjim area, Pilbara Goldfield, W.A., 1941?. Geological map of Billjim Mining Centre including mine plans and leases, extending eastwards. Shows reefs at surface, reefs at depth, sampling.
- Geological map of Pilbara Goldfield, W.A., 1941?. Geological map of the Middle Ck, Twenty Mile Ck, Mosquito Ck and Blue Spec - Billjim areas, Pilbara Goldfield. Shows quartz reefs, dip and strike of rock, quartz-stibnite reefs, basic dykes, hornblende porphyrite, epidiorite, slates, quartzites, faults, creeks, location of stamp battery.
- Plan of Mosquito Creek Leases, Pilbara Goldfield, W.A., 1941?. Shows reefs at surface, reefs at depth, workings and assays.
- Geological map of Warrawoona-Yandicoogina area, Pilbara Gold-Field, W.A., 1939. Shows quartz reefs with dip, creeks, roads, Pre-Cambrian and Intrusives.
- Plan of Galtee More, Glatee More Nth, Ard-Patrick & Latest Surprise Leases, Mosquito Creek Area, Pilbara Goldfield, 1941?. Shows reefs at surface.
Yalgoo gold maps
- Mining leases on the Murchison & Yalgoo Goldfields, West Australia, 1896. Shows mining leases for: Island, Day Dawn, Four-Mile Buddawadra, Yalgoo, Mt. Magnet, Cue, Abbot's Star of the ast, Nannine, Main Land, Cuddingwarra (Dead Finish), Relative positions of Island & Main Land, and routes to the fields from Geraldton.
- Geological map of the Porcupine Group, Warriedar, Yalgoo G.F, 1921. Shows quartz reefs, lodes, shafts, bore holes, specimen numbers, dips, geological boundaries, shear zone, jaspers, detrital material, laterite, gabbro derivatives.
Yerilla gold maps
- Yerilla district route map, 1890-1899. Shows roads, towns, landmarks, stamp batteries (with number of heads).
- How to read historical gold maps
- Historical gold maps of the NSW Goldfields.
- Historical gold maps of the Victorian Goldfields.
- Guide to gold prospecting in the Victorian Goldfields
- Gold-bearing creeks and rivers in Victoria
- Crevicing for gold in creeks and rivers
- Abandoned mines of the Victorian Goldfields